The First Episode…

Okay, so I have to be honest…our first episode was not good at all. The content was there and the conversation was on point…but no one could understand what we were saying! The quality of the episode was so bad, that we ended up taking it down. To be honest, a lot of our early episodes can’t be found anywhere (we do have an option on Patreon to listen to our Vault Episodes). But, the key is to KEEP ON TRUCKING! We quickly learned how important sound equipment is for recording a podcast.

To be fair, recording on an iPhone to then upload to the free version of Audacity…just is setting up for a bad sounding episode. But, that is what we did and honestly stuck to it until we had a true following. Like I said before, our content was gold, so we did have people reaching out to us saying, “Hey y’all really need to fix your audio.” So we started to research.

When you Google search for podcast equipment…it can be very hard to find something that fits your needs. It’s 2020 and it’s Wild West when it comes to making a podcast. We went with the Blue Yeti Blackout USB Mic for a total of $130 at Best Buy. It’s great for a home studio or traveling shows, but there are some limitations to your show if you have more than 2 hosts or if you want to have a in-depth production. (Next Blog will follow up with our path to success with production)

Moral of the story, if you want to start a podcast DO NOT RECORD ON YOUR IPHONE! Go ahead and spend the $130 at Best Buy and buy yourself a decent mic to get started. Do not make the mistake we made and please don’t cut corners. We honestly want you to be successful! Truth be told: it took us 6 months of weekly episodes to really see an increase of followers and I want to think it’s because of our slow start. TAKE YOUR PASSION AND TURN IT INTO A PODCAST!


I Want to…But, not sure where to start.