Augusta Podcasts Services

  • Recording

    Professional Studio spaces for Audio & Video recording in Augusta.

  • Production

    Everything needed to get you published. Mastering Tracks to Editing Content.

  • Consulting

    Launch Your Show, Growth Plan, Home Studios, Production Notes, & More.

  • Monetize

    Create and execute monetization strategies. Get paid for your show!

Protect Your Time


At Augusta Podcasts, LLC we are podcasters first and a business second. We know how it feels to grow a podcast. We know how long it takes to master the software, the hardware, research growth, create strategy, edit your podcast, and that all takes away from the time that you need to spend creating and planning content.

We see our role as being the safeguards of your time. We’re a turnkey podcast and audio production solution. When you work with Augusta Podcasts, LLC, you’re working with people that have been there. We spent months mastering these technical details so that others wouldn’t have to.

A lot of people will tell you that they have the answers for you. They can give you a roadmap to succeeding. All you have to do is follow their formula - we don’t subscribe to that line of thinking.

When you work with us, we’ll start by asking questions. We want to understand: What is it that makes you and your podcast and/or production tick?

Then, we will work with you to create roadmaps, service packages, and strategies that work for YOU and YOUR goals - not what WE think should be your goals.


“Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own. You may or may not realize it, but how you use or don’t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you.”

— Marc Cuban